EachMindMattersMagnet(artwork).jpgEach Mind Matters is California's mental health movement, represented by the lime green ribbon.  Learn about mental health, listen to stories, get involved, and support a student, teacher, parent or family member during Mental Illness Awareness Month. To read more about Each Mind Matters, click HERE.

Did you know that one in five young people will experience a significant mental health problem during their years in school? Without help, these problems can lead to bigger problems: poor school performance, conflicts with friends and families, and more serious mental health disorders such as depression, eating disorders or substance abuse problems. Fortunately, there is help and we know that providing support and information can improve quality of life and long-term outcomes.
Please see below for general information and other resources to help you, or someone you may know, that is experiencing problems.

What are some "Warning Signs?"

Someone who is currently going through a mental health problem may be...

Troubled by feeling:
· really sad and hopeless without good reason, and
the feelings don't go away;

· extremely fearful – has unexplained fears or more
fears than most children;

· angry most of the time overreacts to things;
· anxious or worried a lot more than other kids
 your own age.

Limited by:
· poor concentration;
· difficulty making decisions, sitting still or focusing;
· need to perform certain routines dozens of times a day;
· regular nightmares.
Experiencing big changes:
· does much worse in school;
· loses interest in things usually enjoyed;
· avoids friends and family;
· talks about suicide;
· hears voices that cannot be explained;
· has changes in sleeping or eating patterns.
Behaving in ways that cause problems:
· uses alcohol or other drugs;
· does things that can be life-threatening;
· hurts other people;
· destroys property or breaks the law.

How to Get Help

If you or a friend experiences any of these behaviors often, you should seek help. Talk to an adult you trust. Family, teachers, and other school staff such as school social workers, school psychologists, or guidance counselors are your greatest resources when you need help. If you are not near a teacher, counselor, or another responsible adult, or if you just want someone else to talk to about your problems, call the National Youth Crisis Hotline at 1-800-442-4673 or 1-877-7WE-HELP to talk to a person at the local DC Access Helpline.

Content on this page was originally developed by the Wellness Integration for Students of Hillsborough (WISH) in Hillsborough County Public Schools and is being used with permission.

General Mental Health Information

What Is Mental Health?

Mental Health Information for Parents

Mental Health Information for Educators 

National Mental Health and Wellness Resources​

National Association of S​chool Psychologists

Mental Health Online Resources: 
National Alliance on Mental Illness Mental Health Teen Line Each Mind Matters The Trevor Project

· Community Hotlines:- NAMI Helpline: (800) 950-NAMI (6264) - Trevor Lifeline: (866) 488-7386 (24 hours) - Veterans Crisis Line: (800) 273-8255 (Press 1) - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-TALK (8255) (24 hours)

· Text and Chat Resources:- Crisis Chat (11am-11pm, daily): www.crisischat.org/chat - Teen Line: Text "TEEN" to 839863 - Veterans Crisis Line: Text to 838255 - TrevorText: Text "Trevor" to 1-202-304-1200

· Smartphone Apps:- MY3- Teen Line Youth Yellow Pages - PTSD Coach 

​​​Image result for experience campsGrief Camps: Do you know a grieving child that could benefit from a week at camp? It's totally free for all of our campers to attend, and it's a wonderful place where kids can laugh, cry, play, create, remember the person who died, or forget the grief that weighs them down. It's a place where they can feel "normal" because everyone there has been through something similar and understands what it's like to lose someone important to them. It's a home away from home. And just about everyone will tell you..."It's the best week of the year".
​​The Experience Camps application for 2022 camp programs is now open!

​​​​​​​​Camp Program Flyer here
Anti-Bullying Resources

Stop Bullying Now

Know Bullying App ​(Prevention)

Teen Resources

Young People Looking for Help

Teen Health and Wellness

Parent Resources

Understood (for learning and attention issues)​​

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