​​School Site Council Meetings
​​Family Needs Assessment
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The 2024-25 Board Approved LCAP is available here​​. Contact the Funding & Program Accountability department at (951)360-4152 if you have any questions.El plan LCAP 2024-25 aprobado por la mesa direct...
​Resolution No. 2017/53, Resolution of the Board of Education to Make the District and All Campuses Safe Learning Zones for All Students, Families, and Staff, was adopted by the Board on March 13, 201...
Jurupa Unified has launched a Digital Gateway initiative, meaning the district will equip each student in grades 2-12 with a Chromebook to take to and from school. Each Chromebook will be moni...
Jurupa Unified School District believes in and practices environmental integrity. Thanks to the community's support many of our school sites are supplied with solar generators that both minimize our ...
Learn more about upgrades to classrooms, facilities and technology here​.
Dear Van Buren Elementary School Community, It is with great honor and enthusiasm that I welcome you to Van Buren Elementary School! As Principal, I am privileged to serve this vibrant community of learners, educators, and families. With over two decades of experience in the field of education, including 17 years within JUSD, my journey began as a 1:1 aide for students with special needs. It was through this experience that I discovered my passion for special education, leading me to obtain my special education teaching credential and later, a master's degree in Special Education. Driven by the desire to make a lasting impact on students' lives through collaborative partnerships between parents and teachers, I pursued further education to become an administrator. For the past three yea...
Mission Statement: Van Buren Elementary is dedicated to a continuing tradition of excellence, within a safe and supportive environment, we provide a relevant, high-quality education and prepare our diverse student body for future endeavors. We honor achievement and promote pride in ourselves, in our school, and in our community.​
​Vision Statement:We believe achievement can be attained when we promote and maintain a prevention focused, positive school climate and a safe effective learning environment where ALL can succeed academically, socially and emotionally.​
​Our November attendance competition kept students on their toes. They checked the leaderboard daily and schoolwide attendance rose. Mrs. Alvarez's class won and got...
​Every Wednesday morning is a family run for 100 Mile Club! Families are invited to walk or run the track from 7:40-​​7:55 a.m. weekly. 100 Mile Club is a program ​that...
Van Buren Elementary