Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social and Emotional Learning Basics
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) reflects the critical role of positive relationships and emotional connections in the learning process and helps students develop a range of skills they need for school and life. SEL skills include the ability to:
- set and achieve positive goals
- feel and show empathy for others
- establish and maintain positive relationships
- make responsible decisions
- understand and manage emotions
All of these skills are necessary—both for educators and students—to function well in the classroom, in the community, and in college and careers.
While many teachers instinctively know that SEL is important, historically schools have been primarily focused on teaching academic content such as reading, math, science, and history, and less intentional about supporting the social and emotional skills that are so important to learning and life success.
There is a growing body of research proving that SEL is fundamental to academic success, and must be woven into the work of every teacher in every classroom and every after school and summer learning program, if we truly want to prepare all our students for college and careers.
The CDE is committed to helping educators learn more about SEL and how to make this a part of every child’s school experience. To support this work, the CDE has joined the Collaborating States Initiative a group of states that share information, best practices, and promising tools and ideas in the interest of building strong SEL in schools across their states. The Collaborating States Initiative is hosted by the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning.
The CDE has convened a group of experts from different sectors of the education system to advise on the best ways to support SEL implementation. The following are products this team has developed:
Professional Development
UDL and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
UDL and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Being "book-smart" or good at test-taking are rarely the best markers of success. Our students must know how to collaborate, communicate, problem solve and think critically in order to thrive in the workplace. When learners are self-aware and able to identify and regulate their emotions, and when they can work well independently or with peers, they can tap into parts of their brain that may otherwise be shut off to learning. In a nutshell, all learning is social and emotional. This session explores how to create an environment that fosters social, emotional, behavioral, and academic growth using both UDL and SEL in your learning environment.
Teaching Through the Social Emotional Learning Lens
This class focuses on Social Emotional Learning in the classroom. The emphasis is on strategies, techniques and the best approaches to use to influence a positive student teacher relationship. Teaching through the SEL lense gives you a deeper understanding of a SEL classroom and helps you manage unwanted behaviors. This session looks at how to best teach SEL in the classroom and is useful for General Education and Special Education Teachers.