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The 2024-25 Board Approved LCAP is available here. Contact the Funding & Program Accountability department at (951)360-4152 if you have any questions.El plan LCAP 2024-25 aprobado por la mesa direct...
Resolution No. 2017/53, Resolution of the Board of Education to Make the District and All Campuses Safe Learning Zones for All Students, Families, and Staff, was adopted by the Board on March 13, 201...
Jurupa Unified has launched a Digital Gateway initiative, meaning the district will equip each student in grades 2-12 with a Chromebook to take to and from school. Each Chromebook will be moni...
Jurupa Unified School District believes in and practices environmental integrity. Thanks to the community's support many of our school sites are supplied with solar generators that both minimize our ...
Learn more about upgrades to classrooms, facilities and technology here.
Hello! As the new principal of Indian Hills Elementary School, let me be the first to share with you how excited I am to begin a new year of rigorous instruction and joyful learning. We are all excited to have students back in our classrooms and filling our hallways with enthusiasm for learning. Our mission is to challenge every student to grow and make everyone feel welcome and connected to our school community. We ask that you support your student by: Helping them attend school daily and on time. Provide an area at home to complete homework assignments. Communicate with your students by asking about their day. Set high expectations. Our JUSD vision of “Learning Without Limits" will continue to guide us as we work collaboratively to provide a strong education for students. As we partne...
Great job to Mrs. Bowes's class! Each student did a research report on different endangered animals. Then, the students were put into groups and created some of the...
Sofia was the top reader in the JUSD Winter Reading Challenge for fifth and sixth-grade students.