The team meets to find adaptations within the general education setting so that students can learn in their Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), which allows a student to be successful in their best educational setting.
The SST process is a part of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). Student Success Teams (SSTs). SSTs are school-based problem-solving teams utilized to review lack of academic progress, behavioral concerns, attendance/truancy issues, based on parent and/or teacher concerns SSTs meet to recommend alternative strategies and interventions to be implemented in the regular classroom. As such, Student Success Teams are a function of general education. Team membership may consist of school administrators, classroom teachers, parents, students (if appropriate), district support personnel, and special education personnel. The composition of the teams may vary depending on student needs and areas of concern. The referring person, classroom teacher, SST coordinator, and administrator (or designee) must always be present. Each SST meeting will be a case-by-case analysis as to who is required to attend.
To identify interventions to assist students academic, social emotional and behavioral needs.