1st-2nd |  | Full STEAM Ahead! / Diversion de STEAM Por Delante! | STEM, SEL, and more | Parents: Would your child benefit from an exploration of children’s literature with Art and Engineering tossed in? Kids: Do you like stories, art activities, and science projects? Blast off on a fun 4-week summer program! We will launch each endeavor with a read-aloud picture book perfect for setting the stage for a challenge! Rich literature will spark background knowledge and promote a healthy growth mindset. Students will engage in inventive thinking and perseverance. Let’s soar into summer! Padres: Se beneficiaria tu hijo de una exploraion de literatura para ninos con Arte y Ingenieria arrojado? Ninos: Les gustan las historia, actividades de arte, proyectos de ciencia? Despegate en un programa de verano de 4 semanas! Lanzaremos cada esfuerzo con un libro de dibujos en voz alta perfecto para preparar el esenario para un desafio! Literatura enriquecida activiran conocimientos previos y fomentara una mentalidad de crecimiento saludable. Los alumnos participaran en pensamientos inventivos y perseverancia. Vamos a volar en el verano!
| 1st-2nd |  | Exploring STEAM / Explorando STEAM | STEM, SEL, and more | Exploring STEAM" will integrate ELA and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics). Each day we will begin with a picture book read aloud. Then, students will complete hands-on STEAM and SEL activities that will incorporate the story. Example activities: coding, painting, designing/building models to solve problems. Explorando STEAM" integrara ELA y STEAM (ciencia, tecnologia, ingenieria, arte, y matematicas). Cada dia empezaremos con un libro illustrado y leer en voz alta. Entonces, los alumnos realizaran actividades de STEAM y SEL que incorporaran la historia. Actividades de ejemplo: codificar, pintar, disenar/construir modelos para resolver problemas. | 1st-2nd |  | Exploring Math Through Art / Explorando Matematicas Por Medio de Arte | STEM, SEL, and more | Do you like math?! Do you like art?! If so, join us as we learn about important artists and discover how they used various art techniques along with math to create art. In this course, you will have the opportunity to create your own art using graphs, grids, numbers, and shapes. Get ready to have fun and become an artist this summer! Te gustan las matematicas? Te gusta el arte? Si es asi, entonces acompananos mientras aprendemos acerca de artistas importantes y descubrir como usaron varias tecnicas de arte con matematicas para crear el arte. En este curso tu tendras la oportunidad para crear tu propio arte usando graficas, cuadriculas, normas y formas. Alistate para divertirte y formarte en un artista este verano! | 1st-2nd |  | Early Reader Fun! / Diversion Para Los Primeros Lectores | Literacy/Creative Writing, SEL, and more | This is a class for beginning readers! Parents, please have your student read the following sentence on their own: "The frog can jump into the lake and swim." If they were able to read this sentence independently, then this class is NOT for them. If your child did need help, then this IS the class you're looking for! This class will focus on early reading skills through games, fun stories, and other activities. Students will meet favorite characters who will encourage a love for reading. Esta clase es para lectores aprendices! Padres, por favor hagan que su alumno lea la siguiente frase ellos solos: "La rana puede saltar en el lago y nadar." Si fueron capaces de leer esta frase independientes, entonces esta clase no es para ellos. Si tu hijo si necesito ayuda, entonces esta SI es la clase que buscas! Esta clase se infocara en habilidades de lectura temprana mediante juegos, historia divertidas, y otras actividades. Los alumnos conoceran sus personajes favoritos que los alentaran a enamorarse de la lectura. | 1st-2nd |  | Summer Jumpstart / Inicio del Verano | STEM, SEL, and more | Jumpstart your skills in fun math activities, art, reading, writing, and practicing mindfulness. Inicia tus habilidades en actividades divertidas de matematicas, arte, lectura, escritura, y practicar la atencion plena. | 3rd-4th |  | Social Skills and SEL Fun / Habilidades Sociales y Diversion SEL | STEM, SEL, and more | Students will interact in games, crafts, and activities that will teach social skills in real-world scenarios. Students will learn strategies to identify and express their feelings in healthy ways. Alumnos interectaran en juegos, manualidades, y actividades que ensenaran habilidades sociales in esenarios reales del mundo. Alumnos aprenderan estrategias para identificar y expresar sus sentimientos en formas sanas. | 3rd-4th |  | Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead / Total S.T.E.A.M. Por Delante | STEM, SEL, and more | Do you enjoy fun design challenges, creating interesting artwork, and thinking outside the box? Explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math through hands-on activities, investigation, games, critical thinking, and creative expression. Te gustan los retos de disenos divertidos, creando interesante arte, y pensar de forma inovadora? Explora Ciencia, Tecnologia, Ingenieria, Arte, y Matematicas entre actividades manuales, investigacion, juegos, pensamiento critico, y expresion creativa. | 3rd-4th |  | Visual Arts, SEL, & More / Artes Visuales, SEL, y Mas | Visual Arts, SEL, and more | Students will complete activities related to SEL (Social Emotional Learning) skills. Informal ELA and Math will be included in the activities. Los alumnos completaran actividades relacionadas con SEL (Aprendizaje Socio Emocional) habilidades. ELA y Matematicas informal estaran incluidad en las actividades. | 5th-6th |  | Always Question Always Wonder! / Simpre Cuestiona Siempre Pregunta | STEM, SEL, and more | Do you like science? Come spend 4 weeks exploring Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Engineering with me. We will spend one week in each area, diving into what makes them so exciting and fun! We'll be doing lots of hands-on exploration. Come be a scientist with me!! Te gusta la ciencia? Ven y pasate 4 semanas explorando Fisica, Quimica, Biologia, y Ingenieria conmigo. Estaremos una semana en cada area, profundizando en lo que los hacen tan emocionante y divertido! Estaremos haciendo muchas exploraciones manuales. Ven y hacte un scientifico conmigo!! | 5th-6th |  | Write Your Story / Escribe tu Historia | Literacy/Creative Writing, SEL, and more | In this 4-week course, students will build upon their writing skills, generate ideas, and hone in on their inner artists to create, develop, and write their own stories. While encompassing Social-Emotional Learning, students will use their experiences as a catalyst to tell the world a story that has purpose and meaning to them. The finished product will be a book that they created, wrote, and illustrated themselves. En este curso de 4 semanas, los alumnos construyiran en sus habilidades de escritura, generando ideas, y afinar su artista interior para crear, desarollar, y escribir su propia historia. Mientras que abarcan el aprendizaje socioemocional, los alumnos usaran sus experiencias como catalizador para informarle al mundo una historia que tiene proposito y significado para ellos. El proyecto terminado sera un libro que han creado, escrito, y illustrados ellos mismos. | 5th-6th |  | Books and Brain Teasers / Libros y Desafios Para La Mente | Literacy/Creative Writing, SEL, and more | Books and Brain Teasers will be a fun class that will include a novel study! We will dive into a book and discuss its characters and themes and how we can relate to them! We will spend time each day reading, discussing, and responding to the text! Each day will include new brain teaser games and puzzles designed to challenge your critical thinking and problem-solving skills! Join Books and Brain Teasers for summer fun! Libros y Desafios para La Mente sera una clase divertida que incluira un estudio de novela! Nos enfocaremos en un libro y discutiremos sus personajes y temas y como nos podemos relacionar con ellos! Pasarmos cada dia leyendo, discutiendo, y respondiendo al texto! Cada dia incluira nuevos desafios para la mente rompecabezas diseńado para retar tu pensamiento critico y habilidades para resolver problemas! Unete a Libros y Desafios para La Mente este verano divertido! | 5th-6th |  | Learning Through STEAM / Aprender a Traves de STEAM | STEM, SEL, and more | Do you need some fun and engaging ways to show what you have learned? This course might be just what you are looking for! There are a variety of STEAM activities that are excellent ways to develop problem-solving skills, communication, collaboration, and self-confidence. We will work through computer science, math, writing, art, and much more through fun STEAM activities. ¿Necesitas algo de diversion y formas atractivas para ensenar lo que has aprendido? Este curso puede ser lo que has estado buscando! Hay una variedad de actividades de STEAM que son formas excelentes para desarollar habilidades para resolver problemas, comunicacion, colaboracion, y auto confianza. Trabajaremos mediante informatica, matematicas, escritura, arte, y mucho mas mediante actividades divertidas de STEAM. | 7th-8th |  | Paint, Snack, and Chill!!! / Pinta,Merienda, y Relajate!!! | Visual Arts, SEL, and more | Hey students!!! Do you want to have fun painting, listening to music, and hanging out with your friends? Well, you should sign up for this art class! We will be painting with acrylic paint and glow-in-the-dark paint. We will create masterpieces with mosaic glass pieces and oil pastels on canvas frames. Want to learn how to zentangle? Come join me in this exciting art class so you can paint, snack, and chill while creating wonderful pieces of art that you can take home and hang on your wall. Hola alumnos!! Quieres divertirte pintando, escuchando musica y pasando un rato con tus amigos? Bueno deberias inscribirte para esta clase de arte! Estaremos pintando con pintura acrilica y pintura que brilla en la obscuridad. Crearemos obras de arte con piezas de vidrio mosaico y pasteles de oleo sobre bastidores de lienzo. Quieres aprender a hacer zentangle? Acompaname en esta interesante clase de arte para que puedas pintar, comer golosinas, y relajarte mientras creas piezas maravillosas de arte que te puedas llevar a casa y colgar en tu pared. | 7th-8th |  | Engineering 101 / Ingenieria 101 | STEM, SEL, and more | In this hands-on engineering course, you will learn the fundamental principles and tools of engineering through practical, project-based learning. You will engage in design challenges that require you to apply your critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. En este curso manual de ingenieria, tu aprenderas los principios fundamentales y herramienta de ingenieria por medio de aprendizaje practico basado en proyectos. Tu practicaras disenos de dasafio que requieren que apliques tu pensamiento critico, resolver problemas, y habilidades en trabajo de equipo. | 7th-8th |  | Intro to Computers & Engineering / Empiezo a Computadoras e Ingenieria | STEM, SEL, and more | Students would be introduced to both computers and engineering. They will learn about automation, design, innovation, and troubleshooting using technologies such as Raspberry Pi desktops, 3D modeling & printing, Vex Robotics, and computer hardware for creating, diagnosing & rebuilding PCs. This LEAP course gives students an insight into the high school-level CTE pathways in Computer Science and Engineering. Se presentara a los alumnos la informatica y la ingenieria. Ellos aprenderan acerca de la automatizacion, diseño, inovacion y resolucion de problemas usando tecnologias tal como sobremesas de Raspberry Pi, modelando y imprimiendo en 3D, Roboticos Vex, y equipos informaticos para crear, diagnosticar y diagnosticando y reconstruyendo Computadoras Personales. Este curso de LEAP les da a los alumnos una vision de las vias de CTE a nivel de la escuela secundaria en Informatica e Ingenieria. |