College Admission Testing

Each spring, all 11th-grade students take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts and mathematics. These assessments also serve as an indicator of readiness for college-level coursework in English and mathematics as part of the Early Assessment Program (EAP) and are used by the California State University (CSU) and participating California Community Colleges to determine college-readiness.
The EAP was developed the CSU System to:
- Give high school students an early signal about their college readiness and adequate time in their senior year to prepare before entering college
- Make the senior year a time for more direct and specific preparation for college
- Exempt CSU-ready students from taking the CSU placement tests or the SAT or ACT, thereby reducing testing time and expense for students.
All 11th-grade students participate in EAP but must authorize the release of their test scores to the CSU and Community College System. Scores do not affect a student's application for admission. They are only used to determine a student's placement AFTER he or she has been admitted.
Students will find their EAP status reported on the front of the Student Score Report. There are four possible EAP status levels:
1. Ready
Students who score at the highest performance level (4) are considered ready for college-level coursework in ELA or math and are EXEMPT from taking the CSU English Placement Test (EPT) and/or the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) exam.
2. Conditionally Ready
Students who score at the "standard met" level (3) are considered conditionally ready for college-level ELA or math and are exempt from taking the EPT and/or ELM exam but MUST complete an approved ELA and/or math class in their senior year and earn a grade of C or better.
3. Not Yet Ready
Students who score at the "standard nearly met" level (2), must complete an approved ELA and/or math class in their senior year and then take the EPT and ELM before they will be scheduled for classes at a CSU.
4. Not Ready
Students who score at the “Standard Not Met” level (1) are considered not ready for English and/or mathematics college-level coursework. They will need substantial improvement to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for success in entry-level credit-bearing college coursework after high school. They will also be required to take the EPT and/or ELM exam unless they meet the exemption criteria through another pathway.
News Update
Effective August 2, 2017, the California State University Office of the Chancellor Executive Order 1110, This order provides for the broadest use of multiple measures for skills assessments and course placement recommendations into general education written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning courses, commonly described as "college-level English and mathematics" courses. These additional multiple measures will be used to supplement the information that currently is determined by the students' Smarter Balanced/EAP (CAASPP/EAP) Achievement Levels, SAT scores and/or ACT scores. The CSU Placement Tests, English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) will no longer be offered and used.
This policy applies to all first time freshmen who enter the CSU for fall 2018 (current senior class) matriculation and subsequent terms. The expansion of multiple measures beyond the current systemwide standards are currently being developed and will be released in early 2018.
Please remember:
- CAASPP/EAP results will continue to be accepted for placement into English and mathematics courses at all 23 CSUs and over 95 California Community Colleges
- For Juniors that the CAASPP/EAP is important and that they should prepare for and take the test seriously.
- Incoming Seniors should check their CAASPP/EAP results and ensure they successfully complete the appropriate courses in preparation for college.
The ACT® test is the nation's most popular college entrance exam accepted and valued by all universities and colleges in the United States. The ACT is based on what students learn in high school and provides personalized information about their strengths for education and career planning. The ACT contains multiple-choice tests in four areas: English, mathematics, reading and science. The ACT's writing test is optional and will not affect a student's composite score. The cost per exam is $52 without writing and $68 with writing. Fee waivers are available for eligible students. See your Career Center for more information.
Students with an IEP or 504 Plan may be eligible for testing accommodations. Each request needs to be approved by ACT well in advance of the exam date. For more information, see your Case Carrier or Guidance Coordinator.
ACT Test Dates 2020-2021
Test Date
| Registration Deadline
| Late Registration Deadline (additional cost)
September 12, 2020
| August 14, 2021
| August 15-28, 2021
September 13, 2020
| |
September 19, 2020
| |
October 10, 2020
October 17, 2020
October 24, 2020
| September 18, 2020
| September 19- October 2, 2020
October 25, 2020
December 12, 2020
| November 6, 2020
| November 7-20, 2020
February 6, 2021
| January 8, 2021
| January 9-15, 2021
April 17, 2021
| March 12, 2021
| March 13-26, 2021
June 12, 2021
| May 7, 2021
| May 8-21, 2021
To register, get more information or for study tips and guides, visit
The SAT is another college admission test that assesses students in three areas: reading, writing and language, and mathematics. There is an optional essay component as well. The cost per exam is $52 without the essay and $68 with the essay. Fee waivers are available for eligible students. See your Career Center for more information.
SAT Subjects Test Fees: $26 for registration plus $22 per additional test or $25 additional per Language Test with Listening
Students with an IEP or 504 Plan may be eligible for testing accommodations. Each request needs to be approved by SAT well in advance of the exam date. For more information, see your Case Carrier or Guidance Coordinator.
The College Board (the organization that administers the SAT) has partnered with Khan Academy to provide free online SAT prep that is directly aligned to the SAT. visit for more details.
Test Dates
| SAT Subject Tests Available
| Registration Deadline
| Late Registration Deadline
| Deadline for Changes
August 29, 2020
| *See SAT Subject Tests available on this date
| July 31, 2020
| August 11, 2020 (for mailed registrations)
August 18, 2020 (for registrations made online or by phone)
| August 18, 2020
September 26, 2020
| N/A
| August 26, 2020
| September 15, 2020 (for registrations made online or by phone)
| September 15, 2020
October 3, 2020
| *See SAT Subject Tests available on this date
| September 4, 2020
| September 15, 2020 (for mailed registrations)
September 22, 2020 (for registrations made online or by phone)
| September 22, 2020
November 7, 2020
| *See SAT Subject Tests available on this date
| October 7, 2020
| October 20, 2020 (for mailed registrations)
October 27, 2020 (for registrations made online or by phone)
| October 27, 2020
December 5, 2020
| *See SAT Subject Tests available on this date
| November 5, 2020
| November 17, 2020 (for mailed registrations)
November 24, 2020 (for registrations made online or by phone)
| November 24, 2020
March 13, 2021
| N/A
| February 12, 2021
| February 23, 2021 (for mailed registrations)
March 2, 2021 (for registrations made online or by phone)
| March 2, 2021
May 8, 2021
| *See SAT Subject Tests available on this date
| April 8, 2021
| April 20, 2021 (for mailed registrations)
April 27, 2021 (for registrations made online or by phone)
| April 27, 2021
June 5, 2021
| *See SAT Subject Tests available on this date
| May 6, 2021
| May 18, 2021 (for mailed registrations)
May 26, 2021 (for registrations made online or by phone)
| May 26, 2021

The PSAT is the practice test for the SAT. There are three different versions of the PSAT:
- PSAT 8/9- designed and normed for students in grades 8 and 9
- PSAT 10 – designed and normed for students in grade 10 and is taken in the spring
- PSAT/NMSQT – designed and normed for students in grade 11 (can be taken in grade 10) and is taken in the fall
This year, the PSAT/NMSQT will be given on October 14. Students interested in taking this test can get more information at their Career Center or by talking with a Guidance Coordinator. The cost will be $20
Each one is great to practice for the SAT because they test the same skills and knowledge as the SAT-in a way that is appropriate for each grade level. Students receive a score report and can use this to personalize FREE SAT preparation from Khan Academy SAT Practice Program (

California State University System
Effective August 2, 2017, the California State University Office of the Chancellor Executive Order 1110, This order provides for the broadest use of multiple measures for skills assessments and course placement recommendations into general education written communication and mathematics/quantitative reasoning courses, commonly described as "college-level English and mathematics" courses. These additional multiple measures will be used to supplement the information that currently is determined by the students' Smarter Balanced/EAP (CAASPP/EAP) Achievement Levels, SAT scores and/or ACT scores. The CSU Placement Tests, English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) will no longer be offered and used.
This policy applies to all first time freshmen who enter the CSU for fall 2018 (current senior class) matriculation and subsequent terms. The expansion of multiple measures beyond the current systemwide standards are currently being developed and will be released in early 2018.
Please remember:
- CAASPP/EAP results will continue to be accepted for placement into English and mathematics courses at all 23 CSUs and over 95 California Community Colleges
- For Juniors that the CAASPP/EAP is important and that they should prepare for and take the test seriously.
- Incoming Seniors should check their CAASPP/EAP results and ensure they successfully complete the appropriate courses in preparation for college.
University of California
Incoming UC freshmen are required to take the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) in May of their senior year. This test is administered ONE Saturday in May at locations across the state. Students planning to attend a UC campus should watch their email and visit the Career Center for important information about signing up for this exam. For more information, visit