College and University Agreements

Riverside Community College District (RCCD)
Articulated Courses
Through our articulation agreement with RCCD, students can earn college credit in many of our Career Technical Education courses when they earn an A or B. These courses are in the following industries:
- Arts, Media and Entertainment
- Engineering Professional Sales
- Health Science and Medical Technology
- Transportation
Dual Enrollment
RCCD and JUSD have two dual enrollment partnerships:
Rubidoux Early College High School (RECHS)
- Based at Rubidoux High School, students in this program take preparatory courses in grades 9 and 10 and take college classes from RCC for a third of their academic day starting in the junior year. These classes meet at RCC's Rubidoux Annex. For more information, please contact the Guidance Department or the Dual Enrollment Coordinator at RHS.
College and Career Access Pathway (CCAP)
- Based at Rubidoux High School and Patriot High School, this RCC program supports non-traditional and/or underrepresented students who start college classes in 10th grade. Students start with a single college course and can take additional classes each semester if desired. For more information, please contact the Guidance Department. Students in this program are enrolled in college classes that fulfill the CSU/UC transfer requirements.
- Based at Jurupa Valley High School. The CCAP program with Norco College brings college-level Career Technical Education (CTE) classes to JVHS. These courses are open to interested juniors and seniors. For more information, please contact the Guidance Department.
Mt. San Antonio College
Articulated Course
Through our articulation agreement with Mt.SAC, students can earn college credit in certain Agriculture and Natural Resources courses when they earn an A or B.

University of La Verne
Partnership for Access to College Education (PACE)
As part of the PACE Program, JUSD graduates from the Class of 2018 and beyond qualify for the following benefits when applying to/attending the University of La Verne:
- Application fee waived
- Guaranteed admission if the student meets minimum admission requirements established each year
- On-the-spot admission decisions (at scheduled events)
- $10,000 minimum in financial aid each year

Grand Canyon University
Participants in Learning, Leading and Serving Agreement (PLLS)
JUSD graduates fully admissible to Grand Canyon University will receive the following benefits:
- Minimum scholarship from GCU of $4,000 per year
- Guaranteed maximum tuition cost of $12,500 per year after the minimum GCU scholarship is applied.