Multilingual Education Web Resources

 A bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners
Interactive activities to learn and practice Spanish.
The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1976 to promote bilingual education and quality educational experiences for all students in California. CABE has 5,000 members with over 60 chapters/affiliates, all working to promote equity and student achievement for students with diverse cultural, racial, and linguistic backgrounds. CABE recognizes and honors the fact that we live in a rich multicultural, global society and that respect for diversity makes us a stronger state and nation.

One of the priorities at CARLA has been to support immersion education through ongoing research and the development of a sustainable national network of immersion educators dedicated to exchanging information, research findings, and resources.
Use this site to find updates on current Common Core initiatives, projects, conferences, and opportunities to network across districts to support quality instruction and raise student achievement!

¡Utilice este sitio para encontrar información actualizada sobre las iniciativas actuales de los estandares comunes, proyectos, conferencias y oportunidades de establecer contactos entre los distritos para apoyar la enseñanza de calidad y aumentar el logro del estudiante!
This directory lists two-way immersion (TWI) programs in the U.S. that serve students in Pre-K through 12th grade.
The bilingual glossaries are intended to be used by teachers, LEP students, test translators, and material and curricula developers. Students may use these documents as supplements to their texts, as study or as references when taking the Regents examinations. Teachers can use the glossaries as reference in preparing lessons. They should be of special value in classrooms where the teachers do not speak the targeted languages. It is important to point out that the translators of the Regents examinations will also use the glossaries to prepare the translations of the subject area Regents tests. We have added glossaries originally developed by the Bilingual/ESL Staff Academy for Raising Standards (BESARS) with funding from the Refugee Children School Impact Grant and Emergency Immigrant Education Program.

ALL Glossaries are in PDF Format
A free online collection of videos aimed at helping parents understand grade-level expectations in grades K-5. Milestones show students demonstrating what success looks like in reading, writing and math, grade by grade

STARlight Consortium for EL Achievement
Tutorials on:
Parent Connect, Zoom, Google Meet, Raz-Plus, Seesaw, and Student's Annual Information Update.
Learn more about the new assessments designed to help all students graduate from high school ready for college and employment.

Aprenda más sobre las nuevas valoraciones designadas para ayudar a todos los estudiantes a graduarse de la preparatoria listos para la universidad y el empleo.

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