Victoria Jobe - Opening the Door


Victoria Jobe has held many positions in the 33 years she has been with Jurupa Unified. She has been a teacher, assistant principal, principal, principal on special assignment and now serves as a Coordinator of Pupil Services. In 2023, Ms. Jobe was named Principal of the Year for her dedication and time at Indian Hills Elementary. New in her role as Coordinator of Pupil Services, Ms. Jobe continues to work with our families to meet their needs.

​​Ms. Jobe with Jurupa Middle students with their prizes for having good attendanceWhat are some of your responsibilities as Coordinator of Pupil Services? 

“My current role is to support sites with their attendance, improving attendance, (and) providing training to their translator-clerk typists in regards to attendance. (I) show support for SART (School Attendance Review Team) meetings at the sites and also SARB (School Attendance Review Board) meetings at the district level. So, anything to do with attendance I support.”

Why is attendance such a priority for the District?

“If the (students) aren’t in school, nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter the program or what is going on in the classroom. If students are not in the seats, it doesn’t make a difference.”

How do you support student success in your current role as Coordinator of Pupil Services?

“I let our families and students know that there is someone that can support them to remove some of the barriers that are keeping their student from being at school. I do a lot of home visits and I enjoy them. (I go) out to the homes and finding out what's happening and letting our families know that we are here, we are here to help you. (and I ask,) “What can I do to make sure your child makes it to school?”

Ms, Jobe and Ms. Alferez with the elementary attendance winners last yearWhy did you pursue this role? Why did you choose this path?

“The reason why I am here today is because my teachers, my counselors, my principals - when I was going to school - opened doors for me. They guided me and facilitated for me to get an education. It’s my turn now to open doors and to give those opportunities to other students and families so that their students can get a good education as well. I enjoy working with our families. A lot of our families remind me of my own family.”

Do you have any stories that motivate you or have become your ‘why’? 

“I have several (stories). To me, what makes my day and says, ‘this is why I am doing this’ is 

when students reach out after they have graduated or they have a job. I have students that email me and say, ‘Remember me? I was in your office. Thank you so much for never giving up on me.’ To me, that is my payment, saying, ‘Hey I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.’”

Ms. Jobe smiling with her team at the Parent CenterWhat is something else that you would like the community to know about you and your team?

“I want them to know that I am here to help. I am not here to punish anybody or judge anybody. I am here to help, I am here to remove any barriers that I can remove so that your student can get a good education. That is my job.”

Do you have any final thoughts to share?

The Pupil Services team “has been so welcoming. They have allowed me to let me do what I like to do. They have opened the doors for me here at the District and say, ‘Do what you enjoy doing.’ Which is working with our families. I am very thankful for that.”


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