OverviewJurupa Unified School District is currently in Year 3+ of program improvement. As part of the program improvement process, the district was required to use the District Assistance Survey (DAS) which is a state tool designed to guide districts and their technical assistance providers in assessing the nature and alignment of district operations and the district’s capacity to support a rigorous and multi-tiered instructional system at all schools and for all students. This tool was used in developing our Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) which is posted on the district's front webpage.
As part of the improvement process, all schools reviewed and monitored their programs based on the Essential Program Components (EPC) that support academic student achievement in English/reading/language arts and mathematics as measured through grade-span Academic Program Surveys (APS). The EPCs are designed to meet the needs of all students through State Board of Education (SBE)-adopted and standards-aligned instructional materials including interventions, appropriate instructional time and pacing schedules, professional development for teachers and administrators, assignment of fully credentialed highly qualified teachers, use of data obtained from a student achievement monitoring system, instructional support, teacher collaboration, and fiscal support. Detailed descriptions of the EPCs are: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/ti/essentialcomp.asp
Academic Program Survey (APS)This survey is the first step a school and district take in assessing the school's status with respect to the nine Essential Program Components that support academic achievement in reading/English-language arts and mathematics. The survey document gives a description of what the full implementation of each component might look like. The Academic Program Survey is grade-span specific, being tailored to the elementary, middle, and high school grades.English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA)The English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment tool will help LEAs to analyze and revise their LEA Plan in order to improve outcomes for their English learners.
Inventory of Services and Supports (ISS) for Students with Disabilities
The Inventory of Services and Supports for Students with Disabilities (SWDs) is designed to help districts examine their policies, procedures, and practices to gain a deeper understanding of SWDs learning needs. The tool is designed to provide a framework for the District Leadership Team to use that will enhance and deepen their understandings about this student group.