NOTICE OF UPDATED STATUTORY SCHOOL FEES FOR RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT On January 24, 2018, the State Allocation Board increased the maximum statutory school facilities fees, also known as "Level 1 fees," levied pursuant to Education Code Section 17620 et seq. This resulted in an increase to "Level 1 fees" to $3.79 per square foot on new residential construction and $0.61 per square foot for commercial/industrial construction.
Cooperative Strategies, a Public Finance and Planning Consultant, prepared a "School Fee Justification Study" to update both the residential and commercial/industrial statutory school facilities fees which substantiates the continuing need by the district to collect such fees in the maximum allowable amount. Prior to presenting the fee studies and Resolution No. 2018/40, which adopts the updated statutory school fees referenced in the studies, to the Board of Education, both the Residential and Commercial/Industrial Fee Justification Studies were available for public review and comment from February 9, 2018 through February 20, 2018 in the Office of Planning & Development and on the district website.
In addition, at its February 20, 2018 regular scheduled meeting, the Board of Education held a public hearing to receive input and testimony on levying Level 1 Fees as proposed in Resolution No. 2018/40, which proposed increasing the district's Level 1 fees to $3.79 per square foot for residential construction and $0.61 per square foot for commercial/industrial construction. After the public hearing, the Board of Education reviewed and adopted Resolution No. 2018/40, approving the proposed increase to Level 1 Fees. These new fees will go into effect on April 21, 2018. For more information regarding school facilities fees, please view the "Developer Fees" page.
Below are links to the approved Resolution No. 2018/40 and copies of the adopted School Fee Justification Studies:
Adopted Resolution No. 2018/40 - Statutory School Fees Imposed on New Residential and Commercial/Industrial Development
Feb. 8, 2018 Residential Development School Fee Justification Study
Feb. 8, 2018 Commercial/Industrial Development School Fee Justification Study |