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It Takes a Village


The inaugural Jurupa Unified State of the District, held earlier this month, showcased district successes, outstanding programs, and initiatives that allow every student the opportunity to benefit from The Jurupa Experience.

​​Rubidoux High's string quartet performing at the State of the DistrictThe event provided an opportunity for the JUSD Board of Trustees and members of the JUSD Executive Cabinet, as well as staff, students, and families, to share how the district’s Vision for the Future strategic framework guides JUSD’s promise to provide Learning Without Limits for every student. The program was livestreamed and a recording can be viewed at:

​“I am excited about the intentional work we have taken on over the past three years to establish our Vision for the Future and implement programs and practices needed to fulfill the promises made to our students and community,” said JUSD Superintendent, Dr. Trenton Hansen. “The  State of the District provided an opportunity for us to share that progress with our community in a transparent and meaningful way.”


Sunnyslope Elementary Dual Immersion students performing at the State of the DistrictVideos, student performances, and testimonials from staff and families highlighted the impact of JUSD’s educational programs, services, resources, and supports. Each Focus Area was introduced by our JUSD Student Board Representatives: Cynthia Aguirre-Hernandez from Rubidoux High School; Jazmin Melendrez from Jurupa Valley High School; Janett Romero from Patriot High School and Vola Lasike from Nueva Vista High School.

“It makes me feel proud,” Jazmin said. “...I was given the privilege to have [a] voice. I need to take advantage of it.... and really listen to the student body."

Other students, staff, and community members who participated in the event included: The Rubidoux High School String Quartet, led by Sarah Choi; the Rubidoux High School Choir, led by Jeffery Lin and the Patriot High School Choir, led by David Stuart; Rubidoux High School Ballet Folkorico, led by Corina Yoval; West Riverside Elementary School Student Ambassador Isaac Santos Herrera; Sunnyslope Elementary School’s Dual Immersion students; Ms. Karina Cedillo, a Troth Street Elementary School parent; Ms. Abigail Amador, campus supervisor at Mission Middle School and a Classified Ambassador, and Ms. Jacqueline Corral, a Rubidoux High student and member of the choir. Multiple JUSD departments helped coordinate the event. Refreshments were catered by JUSD Nutrition Services, with support from Patriot High School Career Technical Education (CTE) students.​

Rubidoux High's Ballet Folklorico performing at the State of the District reception“It has taken the dedication of our whole team working together to tackle these ambitious goals. I am proud of the impactful difference we have made and look forward to continued growth in the future as we aim to provide the very best educational experience – the Jurupa Experience – for every student,” Dr. Hansen said.

To learn more about the Vision for the Future, please visit, Vision for the Future.