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JUSD Communications Honors

JUSD is proud to have earned six Excellence in Communications awards from the California School Public Relations Association. JUSD was among only nine in the state to receive Awards of Excellence in the competitive Comprehensive Program or Campaign* category. In addition, Superintendent Dr. Trenton Hansen was honored as a CalSPRA Superintendent to Watch.

Below is a listing of Excellence in Communications awards received:

Awards of Excellence 

- Attend Today, Succeed for Life campaign*

- Fair Fashion video (focusing on our high school prom closets)

- Top D.O.G.S. video (focusing on our Dads of Great Students parent engagement program)

Awards of Merit

- Culture of Kindness campaign

- Bloom Where You Are Planted video series

- Graduation Reels (videos)

You can view the full list of CalSPRA award recipients at: Annual Conference - California School Public Relations Association (CalSPRA)