As the District continues to move through the process of transitioning to “by-Trustee-area" elections under the legal requirements of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA), we have reached a critical point. The District is releasing three map options to the community for study and input. All three of the map options being considered meet the legal requirements outlined in CVRA.
The District is providing multiple in-person opportunities to the community to review and provide feedback over the next two months before the Board of Education votes on December 13, 2021 for a map that will be put into effect for the November 2022 Board elections.
This release of map options comes at the end of the “Pre-Map" period wherein the District engaged the community with two public hearings to solicit input before drawing map options.
Each map option for consideration:
- Meets the equal population requirement (that each trustee area have equal population with up to a 10% variance);
- Increases the voting power of the largest protected classes in the District by Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP/eligible voters) in at least one Trustee Area based on up-to-date CVAP statistics compared to District-wide averages;
- Complies with the Federal Voting Rights Act;
- Respects communities of interest as much as possible;
- Is compact and contiguous as much as possible; and
- Follows man-made and natural geographic features as much as possible.
Hearing Schedule
November 8, 2021 – 1st Public Hearing regarding Map Options during the Governing Board meeting at the District Office Board Room (4850 Pedley Road, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509)
November 15, 2021 – 2nd Public Hearing regarding Map Options during the Governing Board meeting at the District Office Board Room (4850 Pedley Road, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509)
December 13, 2021 – 3rd Public Hearing regarding Map Options and adopt map option during the Governing Board meeting at the District Office Board Room (4850 Pedley Road, Jurupa Valley, CA 92509)
The Jurupa USD community is invited to attend as many public hearings as you would like. All map preference feedback will be relayed to the Board prior to its discussion and adoption of a map option. If
you are unable to attend, but would like to provide your preference on a map
option, please feel free to email your selection to
We look forward to your continued participation!
Letter to our Community can be found
Tentative/Draft Schedule
Resolution to Initiate a Transition to a By-Trustee Area Election System
Resolution of the Submission of a Waiver Requirement
Resolution Approving and Adopting a Final Trustee Area Plan
Public Notices:
Notice of Public Hearing 1st Pre-Map Hearing can be found
JURUPA USD Presentation of Trustee Area Map Options
Notice of Public Hearing 2nd Pre-Map Hearing can be found
JURUPA USD Presentation of Trustee Area Map Options
Notice of Public Hearing 1st Map Hearing can be found here.
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 1
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 2
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 3
The Interactive Map can be found here. The map can be best viewed on a full screen (i.e., laptop or desktop computer). If you do not have one accessible to you, please feel free to visit our District office to use our desktop computer located at the front desk reception area.
Notice of Public Hearing 2nd Map Hearing can be found here.
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 1
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 2
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 3
Additional Proposed Map Option Based on Comments from Public Hearing 2nd Map Hearing
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 3b
Notice of Public Hearing 3rd Map Hearing can be found here.
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 1
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 2
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 3
Proposed Trustee Areas-Scenario 3b
The Interactive Map can be found here. The maps are best viewed on a full screen (i.e., laptop or desktop computer). When viewing the maps under the layer tool (see below), be sure to toggle the maps on and off by clicking once for on and then again for off. Having multiple maps selected will result in an overlapping display of the maps.

If you do not have access to a computer, and wish to view the maps, please visit the Jurupa Unified District Office front desk reception area for assistance.