​Mental Health Services​ 

Our team is dedicated to supporting JUSD families and the community by offering resources that promote physical and mental well-being. We take a proactive approach to enrich each child's educational journey, focusing on health, safety, and wellness. We believe that students thrive when they feel SAFE and LOVED. Our team works diligently with families and the broader community to ensure that every JUSD child has access to the help they need. We invite you to join us and share your suggestions and feedback!

​​Social and Emotional Wellness​

Social and emotional wellness, often called mental health, is crucial for our children's healthy development. Good mental health helps individuals feel positive about themselves, make better life choices, manage stress more effectively, and focus on important aspects of life like family and friends. When parents maintain their mental well-being, they are better equipped to handle the stresses of parenting and create a supportive environment where their child can thrive.

Parent's Corner​​

  • Engage in frequent conversations with your child and listen attentively to what they have to say.
  • Show affection by hugging, holding, and responding to their needs and interests.
  • Read aloud to your child daily and spend time playing and singing together.
  • Treat your child with respect at all times.
  • Set clear limits on behavior and discipline calmly, avoiding harshness.
  • Create a safe, orderly, and predictable environment wherever your child is.
  • Dedicate quality time to activities that bring joy to your child.

The term “mental health” can sometimes carry a negative connotation due to the stigma that seeking help implies severe issues. However, seeking mental health services is not a sign of insanity; it signifies a willingness to improve one's life. Counseling, involving prevention, intervention, and treatment, offers support for coping with stress, marital and family issues, anger, sadness, depression, and more. If you feel the need to talk to someone who will listen non-judgmentally and maintain confidentiality, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.​


The key takeaway is that by taking care of yourself, you become a better pa​​​rent. This means attending to both your physical and mental well-being. Healthier and happier parents are better equipped to raise healthier and happier children. Don’t hesitate to seek out available resources and support to help you be your best self!

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