LEAP FAQ           ​  ​

*Please View LEAP Offerings Below

You will need to select the grade that your student will be ​entering during the next school year, 2023-2024:​​

For example, if your child is currently in 2nd grade, you will choose from the Grade 3-4 course options.​

  • Note: LEAP is now open to new TKers and students new to the district.  
  • Note: This year’s 6th graders select from their home middle school course options.

*Transportation is not provided​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
**There will be no LEAP classes in s​ession on Monday, June 19th in observance of Juneteenth

LEAP Offerings:
Course Description
1st-2ndSummer STEAM / Verano STEAMSTEM, SEL, and more
Incoming 1st and 2nd graders will have fun this summer reading and engaging in STEAM activities.

Los entrantes de 1o y 2o grado se divertiran este verano leyendo y participando en actividades de STEAM.
1st-2ndBilingual Reading/Math Support / Lectura Bilingue/Apoyo de MatematicasLiteracy/Creative Writing, SEL, and more
This bilingual course will focus on reading foundational skills in Spanish for students who need more support in all areas of reading and writing. We will also review key concepts in math and important social and emotional skills to ensure students are ready for the upcoming school year.

Este curso bilingue se enfocara en habilidades fundamentales de lectura en español para los alumnos que necesitan mas apoyo en todas las areas de leer y escribir.  Tambien revisaremos coceptos claves en matematicas y habilidades importantes sociales y emocionales para asegurar que los alumnos estan listos para el siguiente año escolar.
1st-2nd(Bilingual) Summer Reading Adventures / Aventuras de Lectura en el Verano (Bilingue)Literacy/Creative Writing, SEL, and more
In this class, students will immerse themselves in popular stories such as fairytales, fables, and myths while working on their reading and writing skills. The curriculum includes phonemic awareness and phonics lessons for first and second-graders, as well as literacy centers, to help improve comprehension and language proficiency (English & Spanish).

En esta clase, los alumnos se sumerjeran ellos mismos en historia populares tal como cuentos de hadas, fabulas y mitos mientras trabajando en sus habilidades de lectura y escritura.  El curiculo incluye lecciones de conciencia fonetica para los alumnos de primero y segundo grados, asi como centros de alfabetizacion para ayudar a mejorar la comprension y el dominio del idioma.  (Ingles y Español)
1st-2ndSpectacular Space / Espacio EspectacularSTEM, SEL, and more
Explore our planet through science and creative play. Students will learn about our universe through multiple STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) based projects. The goal of this course is to provide students with a foundation of understanding of earth science that will be useful throughout their elementary years.

Explora nuestro planeta a traves de ciencia y juegar creativamente.  Los alumnos aprenderan acerca de nuestro universo mediante multiples proyectos basado en STEM (ciencia, tecnologia, ingenieria, y matematicas).  La meta de este curso es proporcionar a los alumnos con una fundacion de entendimiento de las ciencias de la tierra que sera util a lo largo de sus año elementales.
3rd-4thDive Into Creative Minds / Sumerjete en Mentes CreativasLiteracy/Creative Writing, SEL, and more
Do you want to learn how to make your writing include more details and sound more exciting? Well, then this is the class for you! We will be focusing on how to get creative with our writing along with tons of fun activities! Each morning will start with an engaging SEL lesson to create a safe welcoming environment. You will use your imagination to create stories using pictures and writing. Each week will focus on a different theme. Please come join this class for some summer fun!

Quiere aprender como hacer que tu lectura incluya mas detalles y que suene mas emocionante?  Bueno entonces esta es la clase para ti!  Nos estaremos enfocando en como ser creativos con nuestra lectura tambien con muchisimas actividades divertidas!  Cada mańana comenzara con una lecion atractiva de SEL para crear un ambiente seguro y de bienvenida.  Tu usaras tu imaginacion para crear historias usando imagenes y escribiendo.  Cada semana se enfocara en diferentes temas.  Por favor acompańenos en esta clase para un verano divertido!
3rd-4thFun With Science and Reading / Diversion con Ciencia y LecturaSTEM, SEL, and more
Combining reading and science can help students develop a strong foundation in both subjects. In this class, students will strengthen their literacy and science skills as we connect science to children’s books. Topics will include the water cycle, space, fossils, and more! Students will also gain social skills and team-building skills.

Combinando lectura y ciencia puede ayudar a los alumnos desarollar una fundacion fuerte en ambas asignaturas.  En esta clase, los alumnos fortaleceran sus habilidades de alfabetizacion y ciencias mientras conectamos ciencia a los libros de niños.  Los temas incluiran los ciclos de agua, espacio, fosiles y mas!  Los alumnos tambien adquiriran habilidades sociales y de trabajo en equipo.
3rd-4thExploring the Arts with SEL / Explorando las Artes con SELVisual Arts, SEL, and more
Let's develop a healthy mind by exploring the arts. We will be diving in with social and emotional learning as we explore and create our own art pieces. You will use your imagination as you create and have fun learning about yourself and expressing your feelings through art. Let’s have fun! 

Vamos a desarollar una mente saludable y explorar las artes.  Nos sumergiraremos en el aprendizaje social y emocional mientras exploramos y creamos nuestras propios obras de arte.  Uaras tu imaginacion mientras creas y te divertiras aprendiendo acerca de ti mismo y expresaras tus sentimientos mediante arte.  Vamos a divertirnos!
3rd-4th(Bilingual) Hands on History / Manos en Historia (Bilingue)Social Studies/History, SEL, and more
In this class, students will explore the history, literacy, and art through a variety of engaging activities. They will discover fascinating facts about historical events and important figures, read and analyze texts to improve their reading comprehension and critical thinking skills and create their own artwork inspired by various cultures and time periods. Through this interdisciplinary approach, students will develop a deeper understanding of the world around them (English & Spanish language enrichment).

En esta clase los alumnos exploraran historia, albetizacion y arte a traves de una variedad de actividades atractivas.  Descubriran hechos facinantes de eventos historicos y figuras importantes, leer y analizar textos para mejorar su comprension de lectura y habilidades de pensamiento critico, y crear sus propios trabajos de arte inspirados por varias culturas y periodos de tiempo.  A traves de este enfoque interdisciplinario, los alumnos desarrollaran una comprension mas profunda del mundo que los rodea.  (Enriquecimiento del idoma ingles y español)
5th-6thT.E.A.M.S / Equipos                                                            Physical Education, SEL, and more
(T)- Together Students Will
(E) - Engage in
(A) - Art
(M) - Music and
(S) - Sports

Juntos los Alumnos                                                                                                        Participaran                                                                                                                                    En Arte                                                                                                                                       Musica y                                                                                                                                  Deportes
5th-6thReader's TheaterExperiment Fun / Teatro de Lectura/Diversion de ExperimentoLiteracy/Creative Writing, SEL, and more
Reader's Theater/Experiment Fun is a combination of acting and exploration. During the first two weeks, students will learn all of the processes of being in a play. Students will have the opportunity to read scripts, rehearse them, and act them out on video. In the last two weeks, students will engage in science-based concepts creating robots, and vehicles, and assembling models.

Diversion de Lectores de Teatro/Experimento es una combinacion de actuacion y exploracion.  Las primeras dos semanas, los alumnos aprenderan todo el proceso de estar en una obra.  Los alumnos tendran la oportunidad de leer guiones y esayarlos, y actuarlos en video.  Las ultimas dos semanas, los alumnos participaran en conceptos de crear robots, vehiculos, y ensamblando modelos.
5th-6thFit, learn, and Grow / Ponerse en Forma, Aprender y CrecerPhysical Education, SEL, and more
This program is designed to promote physical education, social-emotional learning, and STEM education. They will engage in fun and engaging activities that foster physical fitness, teamwork, critical thinking, social awareness, and relationship skills. Students will participate in hands-on STEM projects that encourage creativity and collaboration, preparing them for future academic and personal success.

Este programa está diseñado para promover la educación física, el aprendizaje socioemocional y el aprendizaje STEM. Participarán en actividades divertidas y atractivas que fomentan la forma física, el trabajo en equipo, el pensamiento crítico, la sensibilización social y las habilidades interpersonales. Los alumnos participarán en proyectos prácticos de STEM que fomentan la creatividad y la colaboración, preparándolos para el futuro académico y el éxito personal.
5th-6thBasic Computer Skills / Conocimientos Basicos de InformaticaSTEM, SEL, and more
Students will be introduced to the world of computer science with an emphasis on coding and how it relates to program functions. Engaging opportunities will include basic code programming up through coding for miniature robot control. These activities will help develop critical thinking and cooperation skills in order to become proactive learners. In addition, the students will also take part in social-emotional learning experiences to develop interpersonal skills that are important to success.

Los alumnos seran presentados al mundo de informatica con un enfasis en la codificacion y como se relaciona a funciones del programa.  Las oportunidades atractivas incluiran la programacion de codigo basico a traves de la codificacion para el control de robots en miniatura.  Estas actividades ayudaran a desarollar el pensamiento critico y habilidades de cooperacion con el fin de convertirse en aprendices proactivos.  Ademas, los alumnos tambien formaran parte en experiencias de aprendizaje social y emocional para desarollar habilidades interpersonales que son importantes para el exito.

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