Career and Technical Education
S.T.E.A.M Pathways

Career and Technical Education (CTE) STEAM pathways at Jurupa Valley High School are designed to prepare students for careers of the future. The goal is for EVERY student to complete a CTE STEAM pathway to ensure college and career readiness upon graduation. Our STEAM pathways provide hands-on, relevant training and highly employable skills, specifically for STEAM careers. Upon completion of a pathway, our students will be employable and contributing members of our community.
Jurupa Valley High School offers CTE STEAM pathways in seven of the fifteen recognized Industry Sectors. A student must complete the courses identified in the pathway sequence (typically 2 to 4 courses) to complete a pathway. Each course is A-G approved and contributes to the student's A-G completion for graduation and college opportunities. Students completing a CTE STEAM Pathway will be awarded a distinguished cord of honor to wear during graduation.
For more information about the pathways at JVHS, click on the images below