We will be in our state testing window soon and your students will be testing soon. We want your student to come to school prepared to do their very best. Below are some tips to help them do that:
Students should get plenty of rest the night before a test.
Students should eat a good breakfast on testing days (and remember, JUSD students can get free meals right at school).
Exercise is always important and helps to reduce stress.
On testing day, be sure your student arrives on time to school.
When taking the test, students should slow down and read the directions carefully.
Be mindful of the time and try your best to answer all questions.
Be confident, knowing you are doing your best.
You may also want to take practice tests with your students ahead of time to practice their skills. Free practice tests are available at: https://bit.ly/jusdpractice.
As always, if your child is struggling with a particular lesson or subject, be sure they ask their teacher for help.
Thank you, for supporting your child’s success.