Sunnyslope strives to provide a challenging and progressive curriculum for all students. Our mission is to ensure that every student, regardless of his or her cultural, ethnic, academic, and/or socio-economic orientation, is successful. We prepare students for the future by providing technological training, social and academic skills relative to today's world. This combination of experiences enhances self-confidence and self-esteem in our students. Sunnyslope Elementary School believes that the students we educate will make positive contributions in the future.


Our school is located in an unincorporated suburban area. We are off the Valley Way exit on Highway 60 and serve the northwestern side of Jurupa Unified School District in Jurupa Valley, CA. Sunnyslope is minutes away from historic downtown Riverside, CA.


The school was constructed in 1988 and opened for enrollment in September of that year. Sunnyslope has a culturally and linguistically diverse population with an ethnic representation of 93 percent Hispanic, 5 percent White, 1.2 percent African American, 0.5 percent Asian-Pacific Islander, and .2 percent Native American. Approximately 51 percent of our students are designated as English Learners. About 81% percent of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Sunnyslope's enrollment is approximately 846 students, including two SDC preschool classes and two Headstart Preschool classes.


  • Dual Immersion Program
    •  We are the first school in the district to offer the Dual Immersion Program. Students in this program learn to speak, read, and write in both English and Spanish, thus becoming bilingual and bi-literate. We currently have a total of 18 Dual Immersion classes. There are thee classes in each of the kindergarten (one is a TK/K combination), first, second,  and third grades. There are two 4th grade, 5th grade and 6th grade classes.
  • AVID
    • AVID's (Advancement Via Individual Determination) mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society. AVID Elementary teaches students fundamental learning, study and academic behavioral skills. It is a part of daily instruction across grade levels and across the site.  

  • Language! Intervention Program
    • Students in grades K-6th who are struggling in Language Arts receive intensive intervention support from experienced and highly trained Language teachers. This is a two year program to support students toward achieving grade level proficiency in Language Arts. 
  • Special Day Classrooms
    • Special Day classrooms are staffed by Special Education teachers and Instructional aides to provide targeted support and individualized instruction for students in a smaller classroom setting. Sunnyslope houses two Preschool SDC classes. 
  • Extended Learning Opportunities
    • Throughout the year, students are invited to receive additional instruction and support from teachers or staff. These "ELOs" occur before school, after school, or during lunch time.
  • GATE
    • The Gifted and Talented Education Program offers differentiated instruction in the classroom to all those students who are in need of more advanced and challenging tasks, as well as a variety of extension programs at the school and district levels. We recognize the importance of meeting every child's needs, especially those of our gifted students. We strive to find the best research-based instructional practices to bring to our students.​


  • Band and Choir
  • Student Council (ASB)
  • Intramurals (Soccer and Basketball)
  • 100 Mile Club
  • Wells Fargo Savings Program
  • 6th Grade Science Camp


Parents and community members are invited and encouraged to be involved with Sunnyslope activities and decisions. Volunteers donate their time in the classroom, do the majority of fund raising, and are actively involved in our many programs. Sunnyslope has an active PTA, supportive parents, and a strong base of community volunteers. When you visit, you will notice a constant flow of volunteers checking in and out at the office to support our staff and students. Below is a list of some of our programs coordinated by strong community and parent involvement.

​Sunnyslope Elementary is a site-based managed school that encourages shared decision making. This process brings staff, students, parents, and the community together in creating academic excellence, incorporating a desire for lifelong learning. Shared decision making promotes ongoing changes to provide an outstanding educational program.

  • Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Our PTA works hard to provide our school with classroom and field trip grants, organizes enriching activities and experiences for students, and coordinates memorable fun-filled events for our school. The PTA is an invaluable part of our school and all Sunnyslope community members are encouraged to join our PTA.  

  • Think Together After School Program

About 100 of our students stay after school to get extra help with homework, participate in enriching activities, and engage in physical play in this program. The program runs until 6pm every evening.

  • School Site Council (SSC)

This council is comprised of staff and parents who meet regularly to review data and our school's progress and discuss ways to improve our school. The SSC approves the school's improvement plan and budget.

  • English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC)

This council is comprised of staff and parents who meet regularly to help review the data and progress of English Language learners, and advises the principal and staff on how we can better our support of students learning English.

  • University Partnerships

Our teachers and school host many student teachers and interns throughout the year. We enjoy the partnerships with local colleges and universities, and embrace the important role we play in preparing the next class of future educators. Our teachers also appreciate the opportunities to reflect on their practice with the interns, ultimately impacting student learning in very positive ways.
