Our staff at Jurupa Middle School believes that Physical Education is very important to every student's overall well-being. In PE, students will acquire the knowledge and ability to be healthy and physically fit. Fitness is a major component of PE class. We will provide students a variety of activites to help enable them to become a lifelong physically active person. Students will be participating in PE class everyday!!

Jurupa Middle School Physical Education Staff
Ms. Alonzo Mrs. Duran Mr. Guerrero Ms. Macias Mr. O'Rafferty
7th/8th Grade Physical Education (CA PE Standards)
Standard 1:
Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 2:
Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3:
Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
Standard 4:
Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance.
Standard 5:
Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
PE Uniform:
Everyday students should be dressed in their Jurupa Panthers PE Shirt and Shorts. Or in a plain gray shirt and green shorts with no logos. Students first and last name should be clearly written on PE uniform to prevent loss or theft. PE uniforms are available for purchase in the front office (cash only) throughout the school year.
| With ASB card | Without ASB card |
PE Bundle (PE set & Sweatshirt)
| $35.00 | $40.00 |
Jurupa Panther Shirt Only | N/A
| $12.00 |
Jurupa Panther Shorts Only | N/A
| $15.00 |
Crew Sweatshirt
| N/A
| $20.00
Master Lock
| N/A
| $6.00
* Updated as of Fall 2022 |
School or street clothes (worn either under or over PE uniform) is not acceptable uniform for PE class. Students are required to wear laced athletic type shoes with socks. No boots, sandals, or slips-on are allowed. Students may wear plain grey or black sweats during cold weather only (70° or below). Loaner PE clothes will be provided in each locker room for students. PE uniforms should be taken home to be washed once a week, preferably on Fridays.
Locker Room:
The use of the PE locker room is a privilege. Appropropriate student behavior is required at all times. In each locker room, students will be assigned a small PE locker with a built-in lock in the beginning of the school year or when enrolled. Large blue lockers are only to be used to store personal belongings such as backpacks during the student's’ PE period. Combination locks may be purchased to lock personal items in the large blue lockers. Students are not allowed to share locks, lockers, or combinations with others. Most incidents of theft in the locker room occur as the result of lockers being left unlocked and/or open. Students must monitor and lock up their personal property at all times.
Medical Excuses:
Students who are sick or injured and are unable to participate in PE activity are required to have a note in order to be excused from PE class. A note from a parent/guardian note is good for 1 to 3 days (including weekends) and missed PE points/assignments MUST be made-up. The note must include the following:
For any illness or injury lasting longer than 3 days, a doctor's note is required. All doctor’s notes will be followed as prescribed. If no note is provided, students will be asked to participate in class activity to the best of their ability. Any student who refuses to participate will lose PE points for the day. Students are still expected to dress out for PE even though they have a note unless they are physically unable.
Modified PE
Students who have health limitations that could inhibit their physical performance for all PE activity must have a modified PE form filled out by a doctor and submitted to the health office. These forms are available in front office.
Absences and Make-ups:
PE is a daily participation class requiring students to be involved in all class activities. When an absences occurs, the student will not receive PE credit. Excessive absences will affect a student’s overall PE grade. It is a student’s responsibility to ask their own PE teacher for possible make-ups assignments.
While each teacher’s grading style may vary slightly, students will earn points based on their daily participation, effort, cooperation, sportsmanship, and attitude. Every PE teacher at Jurupa Middle School believes that dressing out for PE everyday is essential in order to create a safe learning environment and maintain personal hygiene. Please contact your PE teacher with any specific question you might have regarding grades or other matters.
PE Activities:
During the course of the school year students will participate in a variety of PE units. Each unit is approximately 4 to 6 weeks long. The units include, but not limited to the following:
Archery Fitness Testing Soccer Weight Training
Basketball Flag Football Softball
Cardiovascular Training Floor Hockey Ultimate Frisbee
Cooperative Games Pickleball Volleyball
Physical Fitness Testing:
The physical fitness test (PFT) for students in California schools is the FITNESSGRAM®. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity. The test has six parts:
(1) Aerobic capacity
(2) Abdominal muscular strength and endurance
(3) Upper body strength and endurance
(4) Body composition
(5) Trunk extensor strength and flexibility
(6) Flexibility.
These tests show a level of fitness that offer a degree of defense against diseases that come from inactivity. The test results can be used by students, teachers, and parents.