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​Welcome to Rustic Lane Resource page! My name is Ms. Gonzalez and I am the Elementary Media Center Clerk at Rustic Lane Elementary. As an EMCC, it is my job to help students with their chromebook, their library books, and any classroom material. Below are some of the most used resources by students, teachers, and parents.
Library Fines Resources:​​

​​​​​​​​​Website: My Payments Plus​

Instructions: Mypaymentsplus (Revised) 23-24 (1).pdf  ​

​(Steps show Sunnyslope, but they still apply

to Rustic Lane.)

​Chromebook Resources:

​​​​​​​​Chromebook Protection Plan:Plan

Chromebook Password Reset Instructions:Reset steps

​Library Resources

If you still have questions, please call the office and ask to speak to Ms. Gonzalez or email me at narda_gonzalez@jusd.k12.ca.us