Prepare your child for success in school!
¡Prepare a su hijo para el éxito en la escuela!
Our program offers:
Nuestro programa ofrece:
Quality education that prepares children for success in school |
Enseñanza de calidad que prepara a los niños para sobresalir en la escuela |
Coordinated Health, Nutrition, Mental Health, and Disability services
Servicios de salud, nutrición, salud mental, y discapacidades
Parent Training and Workshops |
Entrenamiento y talleres para los padres
Class locations and times
Ubicación de clases y horarios
Family Income Guidelines
Total family income must be below the monthly/annual income limits based on family size.
Admission to the program is based on income, age, and need and not on a first come, first served basis.
La admisión al programa está basada en los ingresos, la edad, y la necesidad de la familia y no por orden de llegada.
Step 1: Create a Hubbe parent account and submit an application
Scan the QR Code or click on the image below to create an account and submit an application.

Step 2: Download, complete and upload the registration packet to your Hubbe application
A registration packet will be assigned to you after you submit your application. The packet must be downloaded, completed and uploaded back into your application on Hubbe.