What is ASB?
Thank you for taking an interest in MLMS Associated Student Body/Leadership program. You have demonstrated that you are a concerned student who is willing to give of his/her time to help in making MLMS the best place it can be.
Being a member of ASB/Leadership is a privilege, as well as a job. The ASB program is a vital student decision-making organization. Students will have the opportunity to promote student involvement and increase school spirit.
Students will be expected to help with school activities outside of the regular school day. These activities may occur before school, lunchtime, or after school.
Students will be evaluated at the end of each grading period. At that time, students who are unable to meet the expectations of the program may be relieved of service at the discretion of the ASB Advisor or Administration.
Qualifies of ASB Representative
· An advocate for themselves and the student body | · Problem solver |
· A hard worker and self-starter | · Organized |
· Leader/Supporter/Follower | · Motivated |
· Asks meaningful questions | · Team player |
What Does ASB Do?
ASB students will effectively represent the students of MLMS; will promote cooperation among those students, between the school staff and student body; and will promote responsibility and essential life skills in students. The students will be involved in planning, action, and evaluation of campus activities. These activities include, but are not limited to:
· Fundraisers | · After school dances |
· Student orientation | · Spirit/dress-up days |
· Campus spirit | · Student involvement |
Character Development and Leadership
You will also participate in a course called Character Development & Leadership. Each week students will be confronted with ethical dilemmas, lectures, character movies, core readings from role model textbook, basic skills, leadership principles and writing assignments.