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Welcome, Pandas!
The 2024-25 Board Approved LCAP is available here. Contact the Funding & Program Accountability department at (951)360-4152 if you have any questions.El plan LCAP 2024-25 aprobado por la mesa direct...
Resolution No. 2017/53, Resolution of the Board of Education to Make the District and All Campuses Safe Learning Zones for All Students, Families, and Staff, was adopted by the Board on March 13, 201...
Jurupa Unified has launched a Digital Gateway initiative, meaning the district will equip each student in grades 2-12 with a Chromebook to take to and from school. Each Chromebook will be moni...
Jurupa Unified School District believes in and practices environmental integrity. Thanks to the community's support many of our school sites are supplied with solar generators that both minimize our ...
Learn more about upgrades to classrooms, facilities and technology here.
Dear Peralta Families and Friends, Welcome to the 2024-25 school year at Peralta Elementary. My name is Melinda Schlosser, and I am excited to continue to be the Principal at Peralta Elementary School.At Peralta Elementary School we want all students to achieve success. The best way to ensure this happens is to have students at school every day. It is our expectation that students miss no more than 9 days per school year, and hopefully much less than that. Every day missed is a lost learning opportunity that can never be recovered.We are excited to share many opportunities for growth, exploration, and collaboration as students embark on the journey of the year ahead. We will embrace a mindset to accelerate learning and partner with staff, families, and the community to help our stude...
Peralta Elementary School – Home of the Pandas! Peralta provides a vibrant, caring community where learning happens each and every day! Students in Transitional-Kindergarten through sixth grade benefit from a standards-based curriculum taught by our team of dedicated teachers and enhanced by our support staff. At Peralta, we embrace the diverse population whose cultural backgrounds broaden our students’ educational experience. Peralta parents are an integral part of our community. Every classroom welcomes volunteers. Part of Peralta’s success can be attributed to parent participation. We emphasize participation and encourage parents to attend school functions, join PTA, serve on school committees and volunteer in classrooms. The PTA demonstrates support for our school ...
Peralta's schoolwide mission is to create a positive learning environment that prepares students for a future of lifelong learning and helps produce ethical, responsible and productive citizens.
Thank you to all the families who attended our first Family Game Night!
Student Spotlight:KING IS HEADED TO THE NATIONAL JUNIOR OLYMPICS CHAMPIONSHIPS! King McNack is a 9yr old third grader (21-22) from Peralta Elementary School. He enjoys...
Peralta Elementary