Jurupa Middle School Guidance Counselors 

to schedule a parent/teacher conference please contact the student's counselor

What School Counselors Do:


Academic planning with students:

üCreating schedules

üMonitoring and interpreting student records and progress

üCollaborating/strategizing with parents, teachers and school personnel

Career and College planning with students:

üDiscussion about career goals and interests

üProviding education about college requirements

üGuiding students with picking colleges and career choices

California Colleges link here

Personal and social development with students:

üProviding as needed counseling on peer issues, bullying, tardiness, lack of motivation, time management and other issues interfering with academic achievement​

Nora Hopkins 
7​​th Grade


Janice Gaona 
8th Grade 

Amalia Tovali​​​ 
Specialized Services
(Special Education, Dual Immersion, ASB, English Lang. Newcomers)
