Innovation Center: Honoring a local hero.

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West Riverside Elementary, known as the first school ever in the Jurupa area, has unveiled a newly renovated historic building known as the Innovation Center. Properly named the “Admiral Allen E. “Boot" Hill Building," the building is in honor of one of our very own local war heroes, and previous West Riverside Elementary School student, Admiral Hill. A humble man who views his war triumphs as just part of his service, Admiral Hill was full of emotions as he spoke to accept the honor of having his original grade school building named after him. “This is all just overwhelming…to name a building after me. This is all too much," said Hill as he walked through the renovated building that once was his school classroom will now house gadgets and resources that West Riverside students could dive into to unlock that world of science, technology and engineering.  

“This building will be known as the West Riverside Innovation Center and will be revolved around science, engineering, and robotics. These changes will allow children to open to more career paths. It will allow more knowledge to be unlocked for all the kids who will come to this school." Jonathan Montes De Oca, 6th grade student. 

Packed with innovative technology, such a drone cage center, a green screen for screen casting, a science lab, and so much more, this building will be paving different science avenues for our students. With the target audience being any student from TK to 6th, we will be able to offer science and technology resources that could be accessed and successful at any age. Kinder students will be elbow deep in kinetic sand and water beads learning about the different animal habitats, while 6th graders will be conducting electrical engineering experiments with our robotics equipment. This building and all it offers will be leading the way for our student's and their bright futures.

 “I think that these buildings are a great opportunity for students to learn new things and discover more ideas for future endeavors…On behalf of my fellow classmates, I would like to thank Admiral Boothill for his service to our country. I am sure a great deal of students will be inspired by his legacy and will follow in his footsteps." Deanne Dominguez, 6th grade student. 

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